On Demand Webinars

Game on: College Prep Resources

30 min PD credit

See a detailed walkthrough of Banzai games related to saving and preparing for college: Cost of College, Scholarships, and Paying for College.

Recommended PD Sessions

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Boots on the Ground: Q-and-A with a CTE Teacher

Boots on the Ground: Q-and-A with a CTE Teacher

30 min PD credit
Join our Q-and-A with a current CTE teacher to learn about best practices for teaching financial literacy in the classroom.
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Game On: Banking

Game On: Banking

30 min PD credit
Discover the ins and outs of financial institutions.
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College Savings Mythbusters

College Savings Mythbusters

60 min PD credit
Separate fact from fiction in this informative webinar debunking common myths about saving for college, or paying for post-secondary college alternatives.
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